Getting Ahead of Forever Chemicals
The science is still catching up to substances including PFAS, 1, 4-dioxane, and other developing groundwater contaminants. Our experts are on the leading edge, with years of experience and the latest technology lighting the way.
Look to AlterEcho for solutions including remediation strategies, data quality, toxicology, remedial cost estimating, natural resource damage assessments, and laboratory method development.

Why Focus On PFAS And Emerging Contaminants?
The ecological and human health impacts of PFAS, 1, 4-dioxane, and other chemicals are still emerging with increased study. These compounds are found in various consumer, commercial, and industrial products, and can spread to water, air, soil, and food.
The effects of PFAS exposure vary depending on factors including exposure method, individual history, and other health determinants. Potential impacts include increased risks of cancer; reduced immune system activity and vaccine response; developmental impacts and birth defects; and a range of other health effects.
While some manufacturers are working to reduce PFAS in their products, they are still common in many industries and have been part of manufacturing practices for decades. PFAS can be present in many everyday products, including cleaners, nonstick cookware, fire extinguishing foam, personal care products like shampoo and makeup, and stain-resistant coatings.