Understanding What You Need
Maybe you found a site that seems too good to be true. Or you’re looking to move your operations and need to ensure your environmental footprint is as clean as you thought.
AlterEcho can turn potentially toxic situations into opportunities for you and your partners. Look to our experts for analysis, PRP search, MEC identification and clearance, decontamination, remediation strategies, damage assessments, and informed support throughout the process.

Why Focus On Property Transfer Due Diligence?
Improving technology and constantly advancing scientific understanding means we know more than we ever have about what could be hiding in industrial sites.
Once-common chemicals, unknown leaks, accidental contamination, and more can impact the ecological and human health standards of any site. Even the most carefully handled contaminants can still need careful remediation to ensure a smooth transfer.
Property transfer and due diligence can take on many forms. It may include site investigations to determine contamination; PRP searches to determine responsible parties; remediation strategies and execution; and support during the negotiation period. Buyers and sellers both benefit from a thorough diligence process in every transaction.